Git GUI Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to compile and install git with the GUI option enabled.

  1. If you haven't done so already, run through the Tutorial Prerequisites Tutorial.

  2. If you haven't done so already, install a window manager such as Wingo.

  3. Prepare the environment in which git will be built. Run the following commands.

    cd /usr
    sudo make dports-create-shallow
    cd dports/devel/git
    sudo make config

    Now highlight the GUI option and press the space bar to select it. Then highlight OK and press enter.

  4. Now build git and wrap up, including making a symbolic link of wish8.6 so that it can be found by git-gui. Run the following commands.

    sudo make NO_DIALOG=yes
    sudo pkg remove git
    sudo make install
    sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/wish8.6 /usr/local/bin/wish

  5. If your window manager is running, run the following commands while in a git repository to use git graphically.

    git gui
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